Friday, January 12, 2007

Woman Beaten and Robbed in Subway Station

A woman was attacked this morning in the subway station at 174th Street and the Grand Concourse.
CBS, who broke the story, initially said the woman was stabbed. More here. The incident happened around 10:45 a.m. No word yet on the woman's condition.
According to CBS, police had a male suspect cornered in a nearby building on Walton Avenue. By the time a reporter from the Mount Hope Monitor got there at 12:45 p.m., the street was quiet and there was no police activity.
A MTA employee working at the station told the Monitor reporter that the victim was "beaten and robbed" but not stabbed. She said the woman works at nearby Bronx Lebanon Hospital.
One police officer was slightly injured, CBS said. (Photo by James Fergusson)

1 comment:

  1. Aceu zano wilt in, come, voglinar rabencingi, haresculhi scombeme... Un ker hompassi... Rupemenast checia guel veis? Pera xira resiro homettorei!!!


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