Monday, August 1, 2011

Bronx Events: From the South Bronx to East Asia "Hip Hop Kung Fu"

Come to a Hip Hop/Kung open dress rehearsal tomorrow at 7pm at 928 Simpson Street. See the work of Emilio "Buddha Stretch" Austin Jr. that juxtaposes the formality, structure, and strict discipline of Asian martial arts with the looseness and spontaneity of hip hop. Stick around for a Q&A session after. The piece will premiere August 3rd in Manhattan.

On August 6th head back to Simpson Street (between 163rd St. & Barretto St.) for a block party hosted by Popmaster Fabel and Brandon Albright. Performances by GrandWizzard Theodore, Fred the Godson, and members of the Hip Hop/Kung Fu ensemble of Asian and American dancers, musicians, DJs, and martial artists.

For more info: 718.589.2230 x.6055 or log on

Check out our calendar for more upcoming events.

Editor's note: What did we miss? Send details to bronxnewsnetwork[at]

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