We will mark the official debut of the West Bronx News Network at Mount Hope Housing Company on Thurs., Nov. 30. We've been working since August to build the site and report original stories from the neighborhoods of Community District 5. We can't wait to hear what you think. We're particularly eager to know if you have any suggestions for improving either the WBNN site or the Mount Hope Monitor site. We'd also like to know if regular readers of the Norwood News and the Highbridge Horizon on-line find the additional features on this new site useful. Please post your comments here or e-mail us by going to the WBNN page and clicking on Contact Us. Every neighborhood in this city deserves local media, particular vibrant communities like Mount Hope and the other neighborhoods in Community District 5. Now, for the first time, with the creation of this Network, residents of all West Bronx neighborhoods will be able to go to one site to learn more about their own communities, to raise issues, and to communicate with their neighbors through. We'll be highlighting different features of the WBNN site in the coming days as a way of getting our new readers acquainted with it. We're looking forward to meeting as many of you as possible and learning more about your neighborhoods and the issues that concern you.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Bronx Community College
In Saturday's New York Times there's an article about the history of Bronx Community College's campus, and the college's plans for a new library.
Extra! Nov. Issue of Highbridge Horizon On-Line
In the latest issue of the Highbridge Horizon, you'll find these stories: A controversy over prayer and the pledge of allegiance at Community Board 4; petroleum contamination along the Harlem River will delay the constructin of replacement ballfields; the community mourns 16-year-old murder victim Jamal Robinson.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Yankee Dust Bowl
Stadium expert Neil deMause has a villagevoice.com report on how the construction for the new Yankee Stadium in Macombs Dam park is already wreaking havoc with neighbors' quality of life.
Welcome to the West Bronx Blog, where editors, reporters and readers of West Bronx News Network publications -- the Norwood News, the Highbridge Horizon and the Mount Hope Monitor -- will post news, information and links to Bronx-related news articles. We hope you will comment on what you see here. We especially want to hear your ideas for news and feature articles and what you're seeing and hearing on your block and in your community.
Let the posting begin!