Agencies and organizations:
The city Department of Education website carries a wealth of information about the city’s public school system. Locate a school, find out what your child is learning, look up a school’s latest progress report, and much, much more.
Inside Schools, a project of the Center for New York City Affairs, conducts and publishes independent public school reviews. Inside Schools also runs a blog called the InsideSCOOP.
The education arm of the Office of the Bronx Borough President assists students, families and educators, provides contacts to educational resources, and regularly hosts workshops and meetings.
The After-School Corporation (TASC) is New York City-based non-profit working to change public policy and expand funding for after school programs.
The United Federation of Teachers is a labor union representing teachers, secretaries, social workers and other professionals working in public schools.
Get involved:
There are 32 Community Education Councils (CECs) in the city, six of which are in the Bronx. Each CEC represents a community school district. Each CEC has 12 members, including nine parents selected by the district's PA/PTAs, two members appointed by the borough president, and one student member selected by the district's community superintendent. CECs hold monthly public meetings, and contribute to shaping educational policy in their districts. Their responsibilities include: approving school zoning lines, holding hearings on the capital plan, evaluating community superintendents, and providing input on other important policy issues.
To get involved, or to find out when a CEC meets, contact the CEC in your school district:
- District 7 (Office address: 501 Courtlandt Ave.; phone: (718) 292-0164; e-mail
- District 8 (Office address: 1230 Zerega Ave.; phone (718) 828-6417; e-mail
- District 9 (250 E. 164th St.; phone (718) 861-0058; e-mail
- District 10 (One Fordham Plaza, 8th Floor; phone (718)-741-5836; e-mail
- District 11 (1250 Arnow Ave.; phone (718) 519-2647; e-mail
- District 12 (1434 Longfellow Ave.; phone (718) 328-2310 ext. 4091; e-mail
News, commentary, and opinion about schools and education:
The New York Times Education page includes links to all recent education stories published in the paper, as well as links to external education resources.
Gotham Schools, a blog run by a Manhattan-based non-profit, publishes news and analysis about public school politics, policy, and research, as well as commentary from educators, parents, researchers and others.
City Limits’ recent coverage of education and schools.
Gotham Gazette’s recent coverage of education and schools.
Education Notes Online offers information on current education issues and organizing activities in New York and beyond.
NYC Teachers is a social networking site for public school teachers.
The NYC Public School Parents blog carries news, commentary and humor written by parents, for parents.
Lorri Giovinco Harte, a former teacher, writes about education in New York City for the Examiner website.
The Learning Network, a blog published by The New York Times, offers lesson plans and other learning resources for teachers and students.
Editor’s note: This blogroll is a work in progress. E-mail items for consideration to
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