On a Village Voice blog, Neil deMause reports on the removal of a Bob Kappstatter article about critics of Adolfo Carrion from the Daily News' Web site. It apparently went up overnight and was removed by the following afternoon.
The text of the article which lives on in cyberspace thanks to the wonders of Google’s cache can be found here.
Kappstatter, whose weekly Bronx Boro News column is a must read for anyone interested in Bronx politics, told deMause there’s no really mystery around it, just that the News wanted to save the item for the column. So look for it in your Daily News (only editions sold in the Bronx) on Tuesday.
Whatever happened, there isn’t that much new in the article that hasn’t already been reported elsewhere – Andy Wolf scooping up the www.adolfocarrion.com domain name was reported in the Washington Post; a letter writing campaign waged by former CB4 members and people critical of the Yankee Stadium deal was reported in Metro NY; and Carrion telling a group of Yale Students that he had already been chosen for one of four cabinet positions in the Obama administration was reported first in the New Haven Independent.
Still, it can’t be pleasing to the Carrion camp, all of these developments appearing in the same NYC paper, which the Obama transition team probably combs carefully in vetting its NYC job candidates.
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