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Friday, December 8, 2006

Macombs Track Still Not Replaced

Metro NY reporter Patrick Arden has made a mini-career of chronicling the politics and community realities of the Yankee stadium project.
His latest installment documents the state of affairs at Community Board 4, which appears to have done very little work since last spring, when Borough President Carrion removed the board's chair after he failed to marshal enough votes to support the stadium plan.
Arden's article also points out that the replacement track the community was promised in return the removal of one in Macombs Dam Park, which is now ground zero for stadium construction, still has not been delivered.

1 comment:

  1. Bravo, once again, to Patrick Arden! My friends and I read him daily -- we think he is not only a great reporter but a great storyteller. He does an excellent job on a variety of issues New York City media ignore. If there is one common thread in his work, it is the way the rich and powerful abuse the common man for gain. This guy is too good for a free newspaper, although, I guess, it is a fitting place for him to be.


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