In this week's Bronx Borough section of the Daily News, columnist Patrice O'Shaugnessy contrasts Bloomberg's experiment on paying poor New Yorkers for good behavior with the lack of well-paying jobs and affordable housing in her piece, Poor need housing, not handouts:
"Some critics of the plan said personal behavior isn't to blame for intractable poverty: The economy, driven by low-wage jobs that have shrunk the middle class, is the big factor. They say giving people decent-paying jobs and independence would break the cycle. The dearth of such jobs is keeping people down, generation after generation.
In certain areas of the Bronx, the working poor are paying more than half their meager incomes for rent; they'll never get ahead. And the number of apartments affordable to them is shrinking, say housing advocates."
Her column highlights UNHP's work on affordable housing and the recent forum and study on Shrinking Affordability in NYC.
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