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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Bronx News Roundup, Nov. 23

Today, we're devoting the roundup to the living wage legislation, which was debated in a City Council Committee hearing yesterday.

Norwood News tweeted live from the hearing.

One of the focuses of a New York Times article is Council Speaker Christine Quinn's questioning of both sides, including her asking opponents of the bill if they'd support it if it were scaled back to only include gigantic developments like stadiums and airports. Maybe, they said.

As Azi Paybarah of Capital points out, today's Daily News covers all sides of the argument: Citing concerns of small businesses in her community, Councilwoman Inez Dickens of Harlem withdrew her support for the living wage bill in a column in the Daily News today. Juan Gonzalez supports the legislation, and puts the spotlights on Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr. whose leadership in the battle that defeated a mall at the Kingsbridge Armory gave birth to the legislation. Meanwhile, the paper's editorial page states yet again its opposition to the bill.

Here's Diaz's testimony.

Gotham Gazette has a good rundown of the politics surrounding the legislation.

A Sojourners magazine contributor writes in favor of the bill on Huffington Post

In case you missed it, despite heavy union support for the bill, three trade unions came out against it.


  1. I don't understand how you always make it sound like Diaz is doing such a great job.

    He did not initiate this legislation. Councilmember Koppell introduced the bill in response to pressure from his constituents.

    Diaz had nothing to do with it.

  2. To Anonymous 11/26/11 at 11:48am

    Check the facts. You are wrong when you say Diaz had nothing to do with the Living Wage bill.

    Under Section 82 of the City Charter -- included under the powers of the Borough President:

    "11. Have power to have legislation introduced in the council; such proposed legislation shall indicate that it was introduced at the behest
    of the borough president."

    The Living Wage Bill was introduced at Diaz's behest. If you go look up the bill, Proposed Int. No. 251-A, it lists all the sponsors and also says: "(by the request of the Bronx Borough President)"


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