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Monday, June 4, 2007

Times Picks Up Our Story

Often, when I meet reporters from big dailies -- the Times, Daily News, etc. -- the first thing they tell me is: "Oh, the Norwood News, we steal from you guys all the time." It's flattering, but frustrating because they rarely give us any credit. For instance, my predecessor here, Heather Haddon, a phenomenal reporter now at a Jersey daily, dominated a story about the Pinnacle Group, which was buying up buildings throughout the Bronx and forcing out tenants in an apparent bid to jack up rents. The Daily News and others picked up the story months later and labeled it an "Exclusive" without ever mentioning the Norwood News.

Sour grapes? Well, we're used to it by now and we're happy a wider audience is hearing about our section of the Bronx. That's part of our mission, actually, to amplify Bronx issues and voices that otherwise get overlooked. But we really appreciate when reporters and editors extend a simple journalistic courtesy and throw some credit our way like in this piece from the City section of the Sunday Times by Emily Brady about a Kennedy Fried Chicken outlet doubling as a drug den.

So, thanks Emily.

By the way, here's the original Norwood News article about this issue published a month ago.

1 comment:

  1. The lack of attribution by corporate media when it picks up stories from the community press is something we see continuously with our online news publication, Voices That Must Be Heard, where stories picked from the ethnic and community media are reprinted, with attribution. Although the intent is for information to be projected as broadly as possible, an "as reported in ...." would be appropriate let alone welcome.


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