The Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition and University Neighborhood Housing Program are sponsoring a Homeowner Resource Fair this Thursday evening. In addition to connecting homeowners in foreclosure with counseling services, the goal is to reach out to area homeowners who are just getting by and need help fighting the rising cost of owning a home in NYC.
With adjustable rate mortgages resetting, utility costs rising and wages stagnating, foreclosure rates will likely continue to climb unless homeowners can reduce their ownership costs. The Coalition's Weatherization Assistance Program will be there to discuss their application process and guidelines, and will also distribute free weatherization kits. A participating SONYMA lender (M&T Bank) will be on hand discuss the State's Keep the Dream refinance program and its requirements.
Homeowner counseling groups (the Parodneck Foundation and West Bronx Housing) and a homeowner organizing group (CHANGER) will also be on hand to talk with homeowners and offer their advice and resources.
Here are the logistics:
Thursday, March 13, 20086:00 - 8:00 PM
Concourse House2751 Grand ConcourseBronx, NY 10468(entrance on E. 196th St)
For more information or to RSVP
call 718-933-2539
Download the flyer (PDF).
Download the Homeownership Guide (PDF)
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