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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tonight: Espada to Host Town Hall Meeting

Sen. Espada at a Mother's Day event earlier this month (Photo courtesy of Franck Laboy)

State Senator Pedro Espada, Jr. is holding a town hall meeting this evening from 6 to 8 p.m. at Davidson Community Center, located at 2038 Davidson Ave. (on the corner of West Burnside Avenue).

According to his press director, Franck Laboy, the meeting is an opportunity for constituents to tell Espada how they feel about their community, and what they see as important.

You may recall that Espada's last townhall meeting was a virtual one.  Tonight, then, is a chance for local residents to talk to him face-to-face. 

Espada, who's been seen a lot in the community of late, is also holding a "Women of Distinction" event this Saturday at Mount Hope Housing Company's community center at 55 Townsend Ave. For more information, call (718) 652-4329.


  1. Did he put out any information on this prior to today? If he didn't, who will attend?

  2. No press release was sent out; all we saw was a single flyer on the front door of Davidson Community Center. On Tuesday, we asked Espada's press director for further details. He got back to us yesterday (a few hours before the event). Having said that, more than 100 people showed (according to a photographer who was there and the press guy) so there must have been some outreach. We'll have more on the meeting later today.


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