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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bronx River Art Center Wins Two Design Awards

Design plans for the Bronx River Art Center's $8 million renovation (photo courtesy of BRAC)
The Bronx River Art Center was recently awarded two separate "pre-build" awards, honoring design plans (see photo) for the gallery's $8 million, two-year makeover that began this fall at the West Farms building on Boston Road and E. 179th Street.

The designs, by architects Sage and Coombe and designer Tattfoo Tan, scored a 2010 “Award for Design Excellence” from the New York City Design Commission and a 2011 Merit Award from the American Institute of Architects.

BRAC spent the last six years fund raising to renovate the 100-year-old building. They expect to break ground on the new one this summer. In the meantime, art classes, exhibits and other programs are being held at various guest sites throughout the Bronx until construction is finished.


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