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Friday, April 15, 2011

Espada Comeback?

Well, not yet anyway.
But the wording on the pop-up that comes up when you go to his Senate page makes his departure seem only temporary.


  1. When is Gustavito going to open a district office? Why is his not opening an office in a timely fashion less egregious than Senator Espada? At least Espada fought for the little gut and his fellow Puerto Ricans. Rivera is bought and paid for by the white establishment -- the same whit establishment that couldn't stand that a Latino had risen to the number three spot in the State of New York.

  2. He should make a comeback...I did not vote for him (or anyone else in that race) but have come to the conclusion that the new Senator Gustavo Rivera HAS NO SUBSTANCE whatsover. He speaks convincing and likes to exite folks but at the end of the day, it's about what you do for the community, not so much what you preach.
    I also have an issue with the fact that he has care very little to have an office so far after he was elected. How many months has it been? Maybe we need a countdown for his office opening...just a suggestion!

    A proud 30-years residents of Bedford Park,

    Josephine E.

  3. To Anon @ 9:28 AM on 4/15/11 --

    Your comments about the "whit (sic) establishment" not being able to stand Espada is pretty laughable. It is well-known that Espada was "bought and paid for" by some pretty substantial parts of the establishment. For example Espada received large amounts of money from landlords and real estate interests. Recently, the main lobbyist for landlords admitted that Espada was their best ally in the NYS Senate. He used his position as a chair of the Housing Committee to block all pro-tenant bills the Assembly passed. He also received a lot of money from the soda industry. He did their bidding in the Senate as well -- helping to thwart the sugar tax, for example.

  4. All Espada did was steal taxpayer money to pad his and his son's wallet, and make power plays for his own ego in Albany that only made the government even worse than it was before. I guess he did hand out a few free groceries (probably illegally with our tax money) to try buying votes.

    I, for one, can see some difference between Espada not opening an office in the district and Gustavo's delays. Espada had no intention of opening an office accessible to his constituents. He took a LOT of state money to open an office with a nice view that wasn't in the district, and then took forever to open the office after spending our tax money.

    Gustavo is taking so long because the mess in Albany is preventing his office expenses from being approved. Meanwhile, he actually has staff going to regular meetings in the community - something Espada did not do, and he is borrowing office space from other elected officials so his constituents can go somewhere.


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