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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Espada Spurs an Industry

The Manhattan Young Democrats are selling these.

Putting aside for a moment the fact that no Manhattanite can actually vote for Pedro Espada, seeing as he represents the 33rd Senate district in the Bronx, we imagine that this will be a potentially hot item here in the Boogiedown.

And while anyone in the district can choose not to vote for Pedro, they can't, at this point, choose to vote for anyone else, as there aren't any challengers yet to the controversial lawmaker, who singlehandedly flipped the balance of power in the State Senate to the Republicans and back again to the Democrats over the summer.

We're hearing some murmurings about possible challenges, but nothing definitive yet. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. You probably should explain that this also draws on the reference to the movie Napoleon Dynamite.


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