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Monday, March 14, 2011

Bronx Tenants' Rights Night

Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition is holding a tenants' rights night tonight, March 14 at St. Nicholas of Tolentine Gymnasium (corner of Fordham Road and University Avenue).

The group is focusing on the tenants of 12 buildings deemed among the most neglected in the community but welcome everyone living in buildings with problems. Topics covered will be leaks, lack of heat/hot water, protection against your rent being raised illegally, landlord harassment and forming a tenants' association.

For more information call NWBCCC's Housing Hotline at 347-443-9222.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds positive. I'm sure it's a lot of hard work to organize, and I hope it's successful.

    Then, after they've wrapped up from this organizing effort, can NWBCCC (i.e. the parent organization of KARA) start organizing to do something about Morton Williams stealing from the poor residents who aren't able to get out of the neighborhood to shop somewhere else?


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