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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Bronx Pols Want Out Of Federal Immigration Program

Local elected officials are speaking out against a program that requires law enforcement agencies to share digital fingerprint records of people who are arrested with federal immigration officials, who then check the prints for a person's green card status.

The program, known as "Secure Communities" and run by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, was originally intended to deport criminals who were determined to be in the country illegally and to focus on "the most dangerous and violent offenders," according to the ICE's website.

But data shows that the so far, 79 percent of the 102,000 immigrants deported under the program have never been convicted of any crime, according to the Gotham Gazette.

A group of 38 New York legislators, including 13 Bronx Senate and Assembly members, sent a letter to Gov. Andrew Cuomo last month imploring him to withdraw the state from the program.

"Our communities are far less safe because of this program," State Sen. Jose Serrano told the Gazette.

"It will only further fuel what law enforcement officials and immigrant advocacy communities have been saying for years: immigrants will be distrustful of their local law enforcement and will allow for crimes to go unreported or unsolved," State Sen. Gustavo Rivera said in a press release.

At the moment, counties in 44 percent of the state have been activated in Secure Communities--none yet in New York City.

In early May, Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn announced that the state would stop participating, though the Department of Homeland Security has said the program is mandatory and that all U.S. counties will have to be enrolled by 2013.

Congressman Jose Serrano, representing the Bronx, also issued a letter urging Cuomo to withdraw, and along with several other member of Congress, called for President Obama to halt the policy entirely until it can be reviewed further.


  1. So Senator Gustavo is AGAINST THE PERSON he helped elect as President? Interesting... today i'm with you, tomorrow i'm against you... not sure how this looks in the eyes of those who take the definition of VALUES seriously!

  2. Senator Marco Rubio of Florida is not the major activist against illegal immigration, for the TEA PARTY. That's one of the most serious issues on their agenda for the 2012 election. Any TEA PARTY leader, who is not, will be quickly removed. Minnesota Republican Michele Bachmann and Tea Party sweetheart is a major contender in revitalizing the massive, out-of-control problem. Kentucky Republican Rand Paul, a freshman and tea party favorite is ready to fight the illegal immigrant invasion. Whether it’s New York or some other State, economic illegal aliens will soon head your way to Sanctuary Cities or even States like California. Those State legislators not implementing E-Verify or Secure Communities will be crucified in 2012.

    Illicit Companies and open border interests are just one cause of financial fall of America. Democratic leaders discounted the Tea Party and measured them as nothing more than a small group of discontents. The GOP, on the other hand, understood that it wasn't and were smart enough to encourage them into their party. People have been wondering for a long time, who Congress works for? The American people or big business lobby? That question is simply answered, when the United States, unlike other nations doesn't make it a felony to trespass on to our sovereign territory. Decades of complete brain oblivion--intentional or not on the part of both political parties in Congress, has cost us millions of US jobs, lowering of wage, and higher taxes specifically in the lower working classes. We are forced to pay for their children’s education, the whole household’s health care and many well concealed programs by government.

    While Americans are in foreclosure, cars reprocessed and unable to pay their bills, there are an estimated 8 million gainfully employed. Illegal aliens are still pouring across the border or flying from other nations and are not being tracked as in Mexico. The Third Party will stem this illegal economic occupation once and for all. The Tea Party will not vote for any new Amnesties, better labeled as Immigration Reform. The People's power is omnipotent, but we must stand together against many entities who are only interested in profit and exploitation. We can join NumbersUSA and band together by demanding a--MANDATORY E-VERIFY--nationwide, from our federal, State representatives or call Senate—202-224–3121/ House—202-225–3121.

  3. Relax, Ericka.

    People can support somebody, agree with them on many, many issues, and still disagree on some matters.

    I would hate to think that we all have to be mortal enemies if we ever disagree on any topic. Unfortunately, that actually does seem to be the way too many people approach politics.


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