November's Tremont Tribune hit the streets last week and is online now. Here's a quick peek at what's inside:
A former industrial site along the Bronx River has been transformed into a park. After a decade of community push, Concrete Plant Park, the newest link in the Bronx River Greenway, officially opened last month between the Bruckner Expressway and Westchester Avenue.
The new pastor at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, one of the pillars of Italian Belmont, talks about keeping Italian traditions alive while welcoming waves of newer immigrants who have reshaped the neighborhood.
A computer lab on Bathgate Avenue is helping Bronxites bridge the digital divide.
The Department of City Planning has unveiled its plan to rezone - and reinvent - large swaths of Third and East Tremont Avenues.
Plus more.
And, as usual, check out our full listing of community events and announcements.
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