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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Serrano Reacts to Lou Dobbs' Resignation

In a press release sent out this morning, Congressman Jose Serrano said he was "not sad to see Lou Dobbs leave CNN."

He added:

Over time, Dobbs moved from normal news analysis to using his position to spew a steady stream of hate-filled anti-immigrant rhetoric, stopping at nothing to bash the undocumented and tie them to everything he saw wrong with this nation.

I believe the slide in CNN’s ratings at the hour he was on was no coincidence—most Americans do not care to watch unbridled hatred in their evening newscast.

It is my sincere hope that Dobbs is not given another major national platform to promote hate. His conspiracy-filled, anti-Hispanic, anti-immigrant rhetoric should not be a part of the national dialogue. It is not healthy for the ratings of a news channel because it is not healthy for our nation.
Dobbs announced his resignation yesterday, effective immediately.


  1. Anti-illegal immigration is not necessarily anti-hispanic.

  2. To Anonymous,
    Most people can't discern between illegal and Hispanic. So the hate that Dobbs was promoting went out to all people of color. There was an increase in 'hate' crimes across the nation, thanks to Mr. Dobbs. I know he catered to a small
    group of hate-mongers, but I hope that wasn't the
    main-stream of America. Mr. James Fergusson in
    'right on'.
    M. Barrera

  3. I'm a regular CNN watcher; however, after watching Lou Dobbs program several times, eventually I began changing the channel whenever his program was on. I found his continually negative comments didn't make a positive contribution to our nation, quite the contrary, and actually angered and stressed me.
    I'm all in favor of in depth & healthy discussions about the realities of our nation and world, but these issues should always be raised in a fair and balanced way, avoiding unnecessary hurtful adjetives which tend to block sensible solutions.

  4. And another voice of commonsense and reason is silenced by liberal hate mongers and supporters of lawlessness. Let us hope that this sad silence is only temporary and that Lou Dobbs finds an even greater and higher rostrum from which to speak.

  5. This is just another example of how official policy is to defame those who try to expose you.


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