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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Rep. Engel to speak about Arizona shooting on BronxTalk

Rep. Eliot Engel will join host Gary Axelbank on BronxTalk on Monday at 9:00pm to discuss the shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.

(The program will be pre-recorded earlier in the day.)

One of New York City's longest running TV talk shows now in its 17th year, BronxTalk is seen each Monday night at 9:00pm on Bronxnet's Cablevision channel 67. It's also on Verizon Fios channel 33 and streamed live atwww.bronxnet.org. Hosted by Gary Axelbank and produced by Jane Folloro, BronxTalk is repeated each day at 9:30am, 3:30pm, and 9:00pm. Archives are available here: BronxTalk archives.


  1. Is the discussion going to be limited to this (awful, disgusting, unconceivable) event, or will you ask him about the kerfuffle over in Riverdale with the Review?

  2. depends on the time. this is certainly the reason he was invited. but thanks for the idea. i'll definitely consider it. any angle in particular that interest you?

  3. It's well-known that he helped arrange for Wolf to purchase the Review, and I don't think he shies away from that. I guess I'd just be interested in knowing why he felt the need to support the Review by taking out an ad (seems sort of beneath a congressman), and what he'd say to constituents who feel that the paper is damaging the neighborhood.

  4. yup, that's the question. i'm on it. if there's time, i'll certainly get it in. thanks for the input. it's always appreciated.... and frankly, often too rare an occurrence.

  5. I'm sure Mr. Engel know that most of what The Riverdale Review publishes is absolutely correct, despite the fact that some people don't like hearing the truth. Instead of boycotting the paper, which is a meaningless activity. the community should push for more transparency in our schools, the appointment of QUALIFIED principals and more emphasis on achievement and excellence in our schools.

  6. It's interesting that you think everyone agrees that what comes out of the Riverdale Review is the truth people don't want to hear. i'd be surprised if you were correct about that.

    Also, the 600 people who signed the boycott petition probably don't agree that it's a meaningless activity. Agree or disagree with their agenda, it's apparently meaningful enough for it to have inspired this - unsolicited - series of blog postings. Again, agree or disagree, from a public discourse perspective, there probably is some meaning to that.

    As for what you say about the schools, there are PLENTY of people fighting for those things!

    Hope you get a chance to watch BronxTalk when you can.
    Best regards.

  7. The boycotters haven't come close to proving that Wolf is a habitual liar. The DOE does automatically consider closing down any school that gets a D or F on its progress report. PS 24 did in fact have an unlicensed, non-credentialed administrator being introduced to parents and staff as an assistant principal. The test scores at Riverdale's public schools are in fact subpar when compared to their peer grouping schools. (just because we don't like testing doesn't mean there is no value or validity to the scores). Carrion is indeed stuck in some sort of bizarre political purgatory due to his shady dealings.

    I don't want a mean-spirited, perpetually angry community newspaper, but nor do I want a community newspaper that ignores the tough stuff. The Press's Lake Wobegon-meets-Babbitt approach to covering schools and politics doesn't cut the mustard.

    I don't doubt that the boycott has a lot of support, but my hunch it is primarily being driven by: A city council candidate for whom the Review's editorial page would be a significant impediment; a PA that forced out a principal and is on the defensive about the replacement they helped choose; real estate interests who would prefer to have the tragic inadequacy of the middle school kept quiet, etc.

    Gary, I know don't like anonymity, but I'm a parent of children who attend a Riverdale public school, and ironically this drive for "community" and "ending the divisiveness" is surprisingly intolerant of those who don't want to support it.

    P.S. Maybe squeeze in a question about redistricting if you can . . .

  8. You're entitled to your opinion. I'll let others argue their issues for themselves.

    Tomorrow won't be the night for redistricting. But it's something we'll consider approaching in the future.

    Hope you get a chance to watch BronxTalk when you can.
    Best regards.

  9. We should not fall into the trap of associating blame on someone you personally do not like. Fear building bullying media enjoy a free ride and get people to come back to view their particular and easy to understand souped up stories, all at our expense.

    The truth is the truth; it does not have opinions, and it is not personalized. It is not politics, where we get people "activated." Journalism should peak our interest, but not work us up.

    Let's discuss today's media's powerful role in policy, not who you do not like.

    Unfortunately, we have plenty of people who think they deserve more than they have accomplished. It has been this way for a long time. The difference today is the IMPACT of a bullying powerful media that sometimes ignores the truth!

  10. It's too bad that there wasn't time to engage Engel in a discussion about the Review. Did he say anything off-camera that you can share?


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