I had a hard time finding counties that went more heavily for Obama yesterday than the Bronx did. According to election results on nytimes.com, our new President-elect garnered 88.2% of the popular vote in the Bronx, ahead of Manhattan (85.1%) and Brooklyn (78.9%). After searching around a bit late last night on the Times' interactive county map, I did find a few places across our nation that went more heavily for Obama: Shannon County in South Dakota, home of the Pine Ridge Reservation (88.7%), Prince George's County in Maryland (88.9%), and topping the list was the District of Columbia (92.9%). But that's it. Obama did better in the Bronx than in San Francisco, St. Louis, Baltimore, Philadelphia, the Hawaii counties, and any of the predominately black counties in the South. (And without campaigning in the Bronx, either!)
Aside from this interesting tidbit, if you are into maps like I am, check out Mark Newman's electoral maps from the University of Michigan. Here's a sampling of what you'll find on his site, and you can compare them to 2004 results:
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