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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The scene at I.S. 117 in Mount Hope

Mount Hope Monitor photographer Alma Watkins says there's lengthy lines inside I.S. 117 Joseph Wade this morning. She spoke to a number of voters as they entered the Morris Avenue school to find out what's driving their decision.

I came from Costa Rica 40 years ago and have always heard rascally remarks about how the white man keeps the black man down. Now we see with our own eyes that a black man is a candidate for president of the United States. That’s why I’m voting for Obama. - RALPH BLESSITT

We've had enough with white presidents - it is time for a change. He [Obama] ran a good campaign and is a better speaker then McCain or Bush. Bush just never connected with the American people. We need a president that can communicate with the people.- JD MORRISON

I’ve been a Democrat all my life. I wanted Hillary for president but I picked Obama. He's better then the other guy.

Other thoughts:

Obama for change, get Bush out, get the money back to the people. - ANDREW LAIOSA

I'm voting for Obama as he will help minorities and has a good health plan for the elderly. - CYNTHIA SCOTT

Obama has better ideals, and stands firm on his feet. He will make a good leader, a strong leader. - ISRAEL ROBLES

It was taking voters about an hour to get in and out of the building, Alma said. She says she's "still working on finding a McCain fan."


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