PS 8 in Bedford Park opened its doors this morning to let in the crowds eager to vote on this historic Election Day. Although voters came in and out as they pleased, voting officials at the school were particularly strict on keeping the press out.
The lines today have been the biggest issue with many schools citywide but PS 8’s line moved fairly quickly into the lunch room, where the voting took place.
Demographically, the crowds ranged from the age of about 25 and older and were from many different ethnicities but predominantly Latino and African American.
After voting for Obama, Gloria Ramirez said, “Education is important to me. I have kids who are finishing high school and I want a president who will help me out.” Soon after voting, Ramirez put on her Obama pin and headed to work showing full support for the Democratic candidate.
Here’s what some other Bedford Park residents had to say:
Rosanna Nunez: “Barack Obama and Joe Biden are going to change the world. Let’s just say we needed them in office eight years ago! It is our mission this Tuesday Nov. 4 to change our executive branch for a better America.”
Jeffrey Morales: “Let’s be real, the only way Obama can win is if we all come out and vote, that’s why I’m here! We need him in office.”
Jim Tiribio: “I’m not sure who I’m voting for yet but I think this election will be one to remember.”
Despite the polls, Obama supporters said they wouldn’t stop worrying until the polls close. “We will not know for sure until all votes are counted and that scares me, all I can do now is pray” said first-time voter Hector Vargas Jr.
The lines today have been the biggest issue with many schools citywide but PS 8’s line moved fairly quickly into the lunch room, where the voting took place.
Demographically, the crowds ranged from the age of about 25 and older and were from many different ethnicities but predominantly Latino and African American.
--By Jorge Manana
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