Earlier today, Bronx photographer Alma Watkins captured the following quotes and photos outside polling stations in the Mount Hope area.
I like what Obama’s doing. I think he is someone we can trust. For the first time in [my] 48 years I can vote for an African American president. - THOMAS WALSH
Every man, woman, deserves a chance. I found in Obama a decent, humble being. I’m sorry about his grandmother and I wish him and his family well. - SAMUEL GORDON

Obama, because he inspires people to participate in the governmental process. He’s an agent for change, an honest upfront official who says what he means, and means what he says – hopefully. - ARLENE MCLAREN
I’m a Democrat. [We need] someone who is fresh, with new ideas that can turn around the past eight years. - BAYLA LOVENS

I voted for Obama because he is black and I know he will make a change and fight for real issues. - KEILA P

I voted for Obama. He is the future for us immigrants. He is intelligent and I know he will do his best to stop the war in Iraq. He is the future of the United States. -PABLO RIJO

I voted for Obama because I like his ideals, his push for change, and his personality. I didn’t vote on a local level because I didn’t know the people. I’m not going to vote for someone I don’t know. - DIA CHARLES
I like the way Obama speaks and he’ll fight for us on housing and make college affordable. I voted for the Democratic party all the way down the list, because they are the ones that will help us. - VICTORIA GARCIA
I voted for Obama because I like the way he speaks on issues. He reminds me of Martin Luther King. And I voted for [Congressman] Jose Serrano ’cos I remember him from when I was younger - he was always doing something for the community. - ROSELINE GARCIA
And, finally, a Republican, albeit one with a liberal name.
I'll vote for McCain. I don’t agree with his [Obama’s] policies. - HARRY REID
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