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Monday, August 16, 2010

Espada Let's It Rain on Housing Protesters

A couple of weeks ago (I know, we're a little late), State Senator Pedro Espada, Jr. angrily responded to protesters in Albany by throwing money at them like a rap star at a strip club. They were there to protest against Espada, who is head of the housing committee, for refusing to move on a host of pro-tenant bills.

The normally cool Espada may be feeling the heat as he enters the final stretch before what could be a very competitive Democratic primary on Sept. 14.


  1. "feeling the heat"? This guy is UNBEATABLE! The other two opponents are UNKNOWN IN OUR COMMUNITY---UNKNOWN!

  2. Hey aren't those members of the NWBCCC in the background? Is that considered an "in-kind" contribution on their part for Rivera? LOL

  3. Julie:

    Espada DOES NOT LIVE in our community.


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