A year ago, the City Council - with the strong backing of Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr. - killed Related Companies' plans to turn the Kingsbridge Armory into a shopping mall, after Related refused to guarantee future employees a "living wage." Today, the armory remains empty and no jobs, even low-paying ones, were created. In an editorial, the Daily News (not for the first time) asserts that Diaz did the Bronx and its workforce a huge disservice. The Post comes to a similar conclusion, as does BoogieDowner.
Fieldston residents fear a developer's plans could harm the neighborhood's much-loved Indian Pond. The Riverdale Press has covered this issue at some length. See here and here. And here's an editorial.
State Senator Pedro Espada, Jr. has been lying low as he braces himself for an income tax indictment, according to the Daily News' Bob Kappstatter, in his weekly column.
Bronxnet, the public access network, has been trying to negotiate a new deal with provider Cablevision. But talks have stalled. "They are holding us hostage. They have no respect for the Bronx. Cablevision is trying to play us cheap," said Ruscoe Brown, a Bronxnet board member and former Bronx Community College president.
Among the findings of a new study released by CUNY's Dominican Studies Institute: many Dominicans living in the Bronx and Manhattan are conflicted about their children identifying as "American."
Police have arrested a man in connection with the shooting of an off-duty detective outside a Bronx diner on Sunday. Samuel Ventura was picked up in Waterbury, Connecticut.
Using rarely used subpoena powers, HPD is turning up the heat on the firm which controls the debt on ten run-down apartments buildings in the Bronx. The buildings, which went into foreclosure last year, were owned by Milbank Real Estate, a now-infamous private equity firm. You can read more about Milbank here. Milbank tenants have long-complained about terrible living conditions. A few days ago, a tenant of 1535 Taylor Ave. wrote the following on the SeeClickFix website:
[A]nother evening and how cold ,freezing , i am more cold inside than out. the only way to wash and keep warm is to boil and turn on the stove , with a space heater. Milbank R.E. tells us that there is no oil . i asume that they won't be sending any. I am in the understanding the Milbank R.E. is in foreclosure. 40 families and manyof them children and sick.A federal jury yesterday rejected a Bronx man's claims that a police officer violated him with a baton. But Ralph Johnson, a Wall Street worker, was still awarded $20,000, after the jury determined that the Bronx DA was wrong to prosecute him with resisting arrest.
CUNY officials are concerned about the impact budget cuts could have on community college students.
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