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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Bronx Events: "BESOURO" Film Screening

Head over to Joyce Kilmer Park (Grand Concourse Bet E 161 St and E 164 St) tomorrow at 7 for a free film screening. Rain location: Bronx Museum (1040 Grand Concourse at 165 St.)

In collaboration with the African Film Festival, The Bronx Museum of the Arts will present BESOURO (95 min), the emotional true story of the legendary capoeira fighter from Bahia, who was rumored to fly and leads an uprising of agricultural workers against an exploitative landowner.

The screening will be preceded by the Afro-Pop-Brazilian group Hip Hop Axe. For details visit www.BronxMuseum.org

 Check out our calendar for more upcoming events.

Editor's note: What did we miss? Send details to bronxnewsnetwork@gmail.com.


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