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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Bronx News Roundup, Aug. 18

Weather: Cool and mostly cloudy with on-and-off rainstorms predicted.

On to your Bronx news!

Story of the Day: DOE Meeting Tonight to Discuss 'Toxic' P.S. 51
Schools Chancellor Dennis Walcott and other city officials will  be in the Bronx tonight to meet with parents and members of the community to discuss P.S. 51, the Bedford Park elementary school that's being moved because its current building was found to be contaminated with high levels of Trichloroethylene--an industrial solvent that can potentially cause serious health problems that affect the central nervous system, including the liver, kidney, and the immune system, according to the EPA.You can read more coverage on the situation here; details about tonight's meeting are here.

The DOE said there are no immediate health risks posed to students at the school, but that doesn't seem to have done much to ease parents' concerns. "All parents in this school should have their children tested because as you can see from this issue the Board of Education can't be trusted to tell the truth," one BxNN reader and PS 51 parent commented. We'll be covering tonight's meeting and will keep you updated.

Quick Hits:
The funeral for Christina Santiago, killed this weekend in Indiana when a concert stage collapsed, takes place today in the Bronx.

Great story in the Times this morning about parents who are caught with minor amounts of marijuana--not enough to charge them with a crime--getting  subject to extra scrutiny from child welfare on accusations of neglect.

Don't show up to the polls in this fall's primary, at least not if you live in the Boogie Down: our only candidate, Bronx District Attorney Robert Johnson, "has cross-party endorsements for reelection, and no challengers," this year, according to Bob Kappstatter's political column.

Former Bronx pol Michael Benjamin opines for the Post that New York City should do away with middle schools.

The Bronx's own Local Celebrity Theatre is gearing up to put on their latest musical production next weekend (the shows are listed in our community calendar, if you're looking for more details).

One Hunts Point librarian is making an extra effort to introduce immigrant children and their families to the public library system.

Separate from the ongoing NYPD ticket-fixing probe--which centered largely around precincts in the Bronx--"scores" of other New York cops are reportedly under investigation on perjury charges (the article cites one Bronx officer who was charged for lying about to a grand jury about a "crack-cocaine" operation that never happened.)

A Bronx woman was convicted on animal cruelty charges for leaving her pet pit bull to starve after she was evicted from her apartment. Cherika Alvarez faces up to a year in prison.

1 comment:

  1. This is Mark Rodriguez commenting on the Times article regrading "Child Neglect". This is just another classic example of how the system is out there destroying families for profit. For such a petty offense, the children are taken away and placed into foster care. More work for lawyers, social workers and law enforcement. When will ever learn that the system is corrupt to the core and needs to be completely overhauled?


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