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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

National Night Out Locations in the Bronx

Tonight is National Night Out, a broad attempt to bridge the gap between police and the communities they serve. It's also about building community, hanging out in your local parks and getting some safety tips (and often a free bike helmet). Below is a list of every National Night Out event in the Bronx:

40th Precinct/Community Board #1
St. Mary's Park at the 147th Street Comfort Station
3-7 p.m.

41st Precinct/Community Board #2
Police Athletic League
991 Longwood Ave. between Southern Boulevard & Kelly Street
4-8 p.m.

42nd Precinct/Community Board #3
Metropolitan Oval (Parkchester)
3-7 p.m.

44th Precinct/Community Board #4
East 169th Street between Gerard Avenue and Walton Avenue
3-8 p.m.

45th Precinct/Community Board #10
Co-op City - Section 5 Greenway (pedestrians enter at Elgar place. Cars enter at Erskine Place)
6-9 p.m.

46th Precinct/Community Board #5 - Two Locations
Echo Park (46th Precinct's main location)
Burniside Avenue, Valentine Avenue and East Tremont Avenue
4-7 p.m.

Tiebout Avenue
Between 182nd street and 183rd street
5-9 p.m.

47th Precinct/Community Board #12
Grenada Place between Ely Avenue and Laconia Avenue
5-9 p.m.

48th Precinct/Community Board #6
Arthur Avenue between East 176th Street and East Tremont Avenue
3-8 p.m.

49th Precinct/Community Board #11
Pelham Parkway North Lawn between Wallace Avenue and Barnes Avenue
5:30-9 p.m.

50th Precinct/Community Board #8
Marble Hill Avenue between West 228th Street and 230th Street
3-7 p.m.

52nd Precinct/Community Board #7
Williamsbridge Oval Park
Entrance located opposite 3400 Reservoir Oval West
5-8 p.m.

Andrew Jackson Courthouses (Courtyard)
East 157th Street and Courtlandt Avenue
3-8 p.m.

Justice Sotomayor Houses
Beach Avenue between Bruckner Avenue Service Road and Watson Avenue


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