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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Mystery of New Lowercase Bronx Street Name Signs

Boogiedowner beat us to the punch on this, but we also noticed over the weekend that many street name signs have been changed to lowercase -- not all of them, just some. Is the DOT changing them all over the Bronx, the city, etc.? What's the reason? How much is it costing?

We put these questions to DOT  this morning. We'll let you know as soon as we hear back.


  1. its a code for a poor area, to alert the rich ppl of their surroundings..

  2. I hate, hate, hate the Interstate typeface.

  3. The news signs are a mandate from the Federal Highway Administration, which issues the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. It's happening all over the country. The cynic in me assumes the companies that make the signs hired a lobbyist to get the rules changed. Normally, signs are replaced when they're broken or faded. Now they'll be replaced even if they're perfect.
    Your tax dollars at work. God bless America.


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