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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

2011 Annual Appeal Update: Helps us Raise $10,000

A reminder that our campaign is still going on and that we've raised $2,471--almost 25% of our $10,000 goal. We just need $29 dollars to make it to 25% of our goal.

Please donate today and help us reach our goal of raising $10,000 by February 18th. To learn more about our programs, visit our About Us page.

Today we also kick off a new semester of the Bronx Youth Journalism Initiative, which meets after school at Hostos Community College, and provides free journalism training to Bronx high school students. Check out this video from one of our former students, Geovanna Borden, and why she loves the Bronx News Network.

Geovanna Borden for BxNN from Bronx News Network on Vimeo.


  1. Fascist?
    You're WAY off the mark.

    Our communist principles are firmly against fascism.

    Any comments in support of fascism will be promptly deleted!

  2. Agreed. I don't think the claims of fascism is about politics, but tactics. The intellectual protectionism and propaganda are right out of any fascist regime. The politics of neat jerk appeals to victimization, racism, and class warfare are a different ball of wax-- not to mention the utter abdication of any sense of personal responsibility. Again, the silencing of dissent is what might have sparked the accusations of fascism.

  3. Listen, anonymous @ 6:30, if you are going to try to explain and support why I called this editorial staff fascist, please write properly. The subject if your first full sentence is "claims," which is plural, so the verb should be "are." Thus, it should read "...claims of fascism ARE.."

    Also, it's "knee" jerk, not "neat." Please do not sully my claims with your mistake-filled support.


  4. Give us communists some credit. Our regimes were exemplary at silencing dissent. Even here, look at how well we did with KARA!

    We will not tolerate anybody speaking against the will of the People. And, of course, it's our job to speak for the People. The proletariat has been victimized with false consciousness, so they need us to know what they really need.

  5. What was the reason for deleting the previous comment, but not the one above, which had the same meaning?

    You're being rather liberal with the comment deletion ax.

  6. Indeed, how would the proles of the Bronx be able to get along without help of those with more education, affluence, and social standing?


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