This press release was sent out earlier this evening:
Yudelka Tapia and fellow community leaders will visit Fernando Cabrera’s, candidate for the 14th Council District and endorsee of the Bronx Democratic Committee, home in Pelham, NY. Cabrera also, just recently changed his party membership from Republican to Democrat.Tapia and Cabrera are among those hoping to topple Maria Baez, the incumbent, in September's primary. More here.
Tapia with various community leaders in front of Cabrera’s home will question him on the legitimacy of his campaign for the 14th City Council District. “Someone who lives in the suburbs of Pelham, NY can not adequately represent our community and Bronx residents do not deserve another Espada” says Tapia. Cabrera most recently voted as a Republican in the 2008 Presidential Primaries. According to the Westchester County Board of Elections Cabrera was a registered Republican for almost ten years.
Date: Saturday June 27, 2009
Time: 1pm
Location: 58 Sixth St. Pelham, NY 10803
If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Elias Alcantara, Communications Director at 646-384-1990 or by email at
where are all the enthusiastic fernando cabrera supporters???
ReplyDeleteshame on the bronx democratic county committee and the working families party for endorsing someone who does not live in the bronx, for political office in the bronx. fernando cabrera was also a registered republican up until august of 2008 and voted in the republican primaries. just another example of how the powers that be don't consider bronx residents worthy of honest representation. we deserve an apology, or at least an explanation.
ReplyDeleteI guess the community should support someone who lost a state committee race (yudelka) to a woman most in this community wouldn't know if she fell on top of you. Yudelka is not even getting her union's support. While that in itself is another story the candidates, Instead of attacking each other....go after the real problem for this community which is Maria Baez. Yudelka are you helping Baez like Polanco and Nunez?
ReplyDeletemaybe the community shouldn't suppport yudelka but they most definitely should not support someone who is NOT from the bronx. while the biggest problem is maria baez, the democratic leadership should be behind an honest, BRONX RESIDENT to replace her.
ReplyDeleteI guess his 20 years of community service and saving souls shouldn't count. Even if he lived in the community for 1 day he would be a better candidate than Baez or Tapia.
ReplyDeletecabrera is a poser with ambition; a closeted republican who lives in an affluent neighborhood. he thought he could get away with lying to the community but he won't; the rug is being pulled out from under him.
ReplyDeletehe is a LIAR. he can't pretend to be a democrat and live in the bronx. his community service is commendable but this isn't his community. he should go help the poor residents of pelham.
how nice it must to come exploit our poverty for a political opportunity and then drive home to his cozy westchester neighborhood.
Real BRONX RESIDENTS who care, like myself, won't allow it to go down!!
besides, the problem isn't as much with him, as it is with the BRONX DEMOCRATIC leadership supporting him. PS- Anonymous: are you from the Bronx??
Wow, can you believe this guy?
ReplyDeleteI was all for Cabrera, I thought he would have been the best choice for our community. but obviously I was wrong, I even signed his petition. He has just lost my vote, we do not need someone who is just going to continue corrupt, lie-filled politics as usual to the Bronx.
It was explained to me that perhaps at one time Fernando Cabrera lived in a house in Pelham years ago but that that house is now occupied by his daughter and his grandchildren. He is a father who pass along his home to his daughter. Please do not compare him to that slime Espada. He lives in the district.
ReplyDeleteStop defending him!! He is a LIAR. It was explained to anonymous that he lived in pelham "YEARS" ago, but he registered in the Bronx as a democrat in August of 2008, which if my math is correct, was 10 months ago. Before then he was registered as a republican in Pelham & even voted in the Republican primaries in Pelham in February of 2008. When the Bronx voted 96% Democratic, he voted republican. Stop pretending Cabrera; you are a LIAR and we won't stand for it. You ARE A REPUBLICAN and you LIVE IN PELHAM!!!
ReplyDeleteEspada is being accused of the same thing: pretending to live the district he wants to represent in order to capitalize on a percieved political opportunity. Cabrera is doing the same exact thing! I'm sorry, but the comparisons are inevitable & fitting, Anonymous. You are right in calling Espada slime, but Reverend Cabrera is also slime. The ONLY difference is that Espada succeeded in fooling the people. We WILL NOT allow Cabrera to do the same! The jig is up Cabrera. You have been unmasked for what you truly are: a LIAR & a FRAUD. As a "reverend", you should have been honest. We deserve better.
Coming from the pulpit, he should have trusted God, if God told him to run, and been honest with the bronx voters from district 14. He should have come clean from the on set. Not mislead and buy into the machine's way of doing things. Which is a clear indicator as to if he were to win that he would sell out himself and his believes to be a puppet in this world. Sad day in Christian dome.
ReplyDeletewhen someone cross the line and expose the family of a candidate to a such low iniciative. That shows you what kind of person is. Ms. Tapia, I am so sad that you distrupt the family of Cabrera that has nothing to do with this elections. Your actions speak for themself. You are not the kind of person we need.
ReplyDeleteTapia is desperate at this point and it shows. I agree the exposing the family of any elected is really low. It is bad business.
ReplyDeleteAs I said before if your own union isn't supporting you that must be a sign.DC 37 isn't supporting Tapia. That should show why she is getting desperate and attacking. Maybe she is a stalking horse for Baez. Tapia is a habitual candidate and won't win. Cabrera has a doctorate degree and is a counselor and pastor. Tapia is a political gadfly.
ReplyDeleteBaez has probably told Polanco, Nunez and Tapia if they stay in and help split the vote she will support them. Hope they don't fall for it. That community doesn't deserve any more of Baez. Support Cabrera now!
Anonymous: you aren't talking about the issue at hand: REVEREND CABRERA IS A LIAR. You are bashing Tapia, which is okay. But that doesn't change the fact that Cabrera is lying to the community. Tapia may be many things, but up until this point I have heard of no instance in which she BLATANTLY lied! It doesn't matter if the Bronx Democratic Party, DC 37 and every other political organization is supporting Cabrera; it only means they are supporting a LIAR and reflects badly on them.
ReplyDeleteHahaha. Cabrera has a doctorate!! All the more reason for him to have known that LYING isn't smart. Cabrera represents politics as usual: some guy from a rich town, thinking he can come in with a doctorate degree, and legislate how we live in the Bronx. This man DOES NOT LIVE IN NEW YORK CITY!! Get a clue.
Anonymous you are obviously on his payroll because you couldn't honestly write "Support Cabrera now!" after it is known that he is a liar, otherwise. Cabrera is a LYING REVEREND with no integrity! We DO NOT NEED or WANT that in the BRONX.
I was a fervent but cautious Dr. Fernando Cabrera supporter. I believed his community service and him being a professor were good qualifications for a City Council member. However, I think the most important quality is honesty. If the information posted above is true, then this is sad. It is a betrayal to think that Cabrera is pretending to be a part of this community when he really isn't. People should never let politics contradict their values, which is what seems to have happened with Rev. Cabrera. I think Dr. Cabrera owes those who believed in him an apology. If he is being dishonest now, then that is what he will do when he represents us.
ReplyDeleteProfessor? Did he get the EdD doctorate in Counseling at the Argosy University - Sarasota Campus?
ReplyDeleteJose, He lived in Pelham. Now he lives on Sedgwick Avenue. His daughter, son-in-law and grandson live in Pelham. I hope that answers your question. I don't see anything wrong with someone seeing that the community that they have pastored, was a member of the community board, while not living there during that time...moved into the neighborhood. I could understand if he had no ties or relationship to the community.
ReplyDeleteHe's "lived" on Sedgwick for less than a year. Which obviously means that he "moved" here to occupy what he thought would be Baez's vacated City Council seat. He has never paid City taxes; he's pretending to be a part of the Bronx, when he is really from Westchester, the 12th WEALTHIEST county in the COUNTRY! He is an ELITIST. He comes to the Bronx, counsels the poor and then goes back to his affluent neighborhood to sleep. He is a fake.
ReplyDeleteThe other issue is that he was a REGISTERED REPUBLICAN up until 10 months ago. Which means that his ideals aren't in line with those of the Bronx. He voted in the Republican primaries last year, when 95% of the Bronx voted Democratic. I can't blame him because Republicans take care of the rich! It's only fitting that he changes parties before running for office here. Sorry but we WILL NOT have another Espada in the Bronx. I call on everyone to see the truth for what it is. He is NOT A DEMOCRAT and he is NOT FROM THE BRONX!! Fernando Cabrera is a LIAR and he should be ashamed of himself.
Funny you don't see anything wrong with this, Anonymous.
Anonymous, please refrain from engaging in this foolishness. It's a total waste of time.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous why don’t you have a name? Are you in Cabrera’s staff or are you family to him? First let’s be accurate. DC37 has not yet made any endorsements. YUDELA TAPIA HAS BEEN ENDORSED BY HER UNION LOCAL 1407 which is an affiliate of AFL-CIO- DC37.
FACT #1: As of a few weeks ago Cabrera was still showing his Pelham address as his residence.
FACT #2: Cabrera was a Republican and voted in the Republican Presidential primary while living in the Westchester Town of Pelham.
FACT #3: Cabrera was campaigning for the NY City Council as a Democrat last while still registered as a REPUBLICAN and living in Westchester.
Speaking the TRUTH is NEVER foolishness or a waste of time. Feel free to contribute to the discussion, but don't dismiss it.
ReplyDeleteFernando Cabrera, based on the 3 facts listed above, has a track record of dishonesty. Plain and simple. Shame on anyone who continues to support a known liar.
Anonymous, you can continue to defend him. But until you prove any of these facts incorrect, your attempts are futile. The truth is out.
Can someone please post any manuscripts, interviews or articles in which Cabrera openly denied being a republican in recent years. Im sure this must be out there somewhere. And can someone please post his official statement regarding his denial of ever living in Pelham. I would like to read these articles. . Because then it would be easier for me to believe that he actually lied. Cause if he denied it, shame on him.. But this information is open to the public.. If it wasn't, none of us would know this.. To openly attack a mans character, integrity and motives is the "politics as usual" everyone is claiming to get away from. To harass his family at their home is disgraceful. We should ALL have some more respect than that. Lets keep this race about what matters.. and not this foolish smokescreen business.
ReplyDeleteWho took the Jelly out of your donut Jose? You seem so angry.
ReplyDeleteI am angry indeed, Carlos. At the audacity. If you live in the 14th, you should be too.
ReplyDeleteManuel From the Da Bronx: Working with the premise that Cabrera never denied it (which if he was campaigning as a Democrat in the Bronx, while registered as a Republican in Westchester is dishonest, at the least), answer this: Are you implying that it is acceptable for a life-long republican to swtich parties only to run for office? Why didn't he run as a republican? What about the Democratic party appealed to him in August of 2008, that hadn't years before?
To "openly" attack a man's character? Should I do it secretly? Are you kidding??? He wants to be MY City Council representative. I have every right AND responsibility to call him out because he is a FRAUD, a FAKE, a SHAM. Manuel, in saying that I am attacking his "motives", you sound beyond desperate.
Admitting to being a Republican and moving in to a poor district solely for a political opportunity, is NOT OK. It reeks of dishonesty and corruption and is disgraceful.
And by the way, his family was hardly harassed. Do some research, as I have done.
ReplyDeleteyou seem to know alot about ms. tapia. perhaps you are on her payroll. Her local is one of many unions. the parent organization will not be endorsing her. Also he did not vote in the republican primary last year. when the DC 37 endorsement comes out and its not Tapia, I want to see you comment on the blog...ha ha ha. And just because you put Jose Hernandez doesn't make that to be your real name. Also more importantly....If you look at the work that Cabrera has done in the community who cares that he was a Republican at one point in his life. So was Hillary Clinton and I'm sure you had no problem voting for her when she moved to NY. Cabrera stands for Democratic ideals. And I say this blog should be about challenging the incumbent who hasn't done squat for this community. There are options, let the people choose. If this blog continues to be about Tapia vs. Cabrera...Baez will win. You however seem to be earning your pay from Tapia. Good Job
Not another Pedro Espada, please. Not, I should say worst than Pedro Espada since he is not hidding the fact he is a REPUBLICA. Cabrera is chaning that fact, never being an activist in his life.
ReplyDeleteCabrera, please get out of my district. Go back to Suburbia with your rich neighbors. If you really care about the Bronx, why did you move out to be among the rich, instead of staying? this is how we help our community by moving out to the second wealthiest county in New York State. Please who are you kidding.! Info. on Westchester county in New York State from
ReplyDeleteFernando Cabrera did vote in the Presidential Republican Primaries in 2008. Post your address and I'll mail you the proof. Don't lie. When the Bronx voted 95% Democratic, he voted Republican. Why the sudden change of heart? How does he represent Democratic ideals?
You seem to think that this is about unions or organizations, when in reality it is about Cabrera being dishonest.
As a Political Science and History Major I know that the biggest problem with the American Political System is the Party system Democrats vs Republican. Who cares if Cabrera was a Republican what makes this country great is he has a right to have a change of heart or to change his mind at any given moment. People let's not vote based on Party but on issues, This Tapia girl had no attention that's why she decided to go to his children home and protest. Now I have to change my last name because she embrassed the Tapia name. LETS VOTE ON ISSUES AND SOOOOOO FAR CABRERA HASN'T EVEN BEEN NEGATIVE. What a great man. I know if he wanted to he can pull up dirt on this Tapia girl but i KNOW HE IS A MAN OF RESPECT, And that's why he has my vote.
ReplyDeletePLEASE, Timothy or whoever, could you please elaborate a better argument than that. I am optimistic you could do better.
ReplyDeleteA couple of pointers, Timothy: Republicans are: Against what is good for the people, against immigration reforms, against immigrants, and against important issue for empoverished communities because they do not consider themselves from the people. Cabrera is the perfect example of a TRUE REPUBLICAN, that insted of staying in the Bronx and fighting for the people of the Bronx, he moved out as a good REPUBLICAN that he is, moved in with the rich people of Westchester county, but now that he saw an opportunity, he deciced move back into the Bronx, how convenient. Please, let's be more authentic. If Cabrera is a REPUBLICAN, nobody I am sure has a problem with that, the problem is that he changed party to come and run in District #14 because it's majority democract, masked as Democrat, and then moving into a district he has never even lived before. Let's be in touch with people's reality, and not individualistic and opportunistic reality who changed party and address for his own's sake ten months ago. SIMPLY AND UTTERLY TRUE.!!!! SO HELP US GOD.
O please with that crap. Everything you said is so untrue so let me guess Baez is for the people because she is a Democrat. My point is parties doesn't matter 95 percent of the bronx vote democrat and look where that got us. What Matter are the issues, what is this Tapia girl going to do for me. Instead of protesting with lies she should be telling the 14 district her point to make the district better. The founding father even saw parties as a threat to the country because they knew that people will vote for a party not on issues.
ReplyDeleteIf it is untrue, who are the one who usually, in the majority of the cases, against immigration reforms= REPUBLICANS. Who are usually against resources to go to empoverished communities= REPUBLICANS. Change of heart will not improve my community. Cleaning parks for pics posing will not improve my community. Flip floppers from PELHAM are not welcome in my community, that, my friend, is the BOTTOM LINE.
ReplyDeleteOk so answer this question the bronx votes 95 percent democrat and where has that gotten us. And please tell me what democrats stand for please because for eight years nothing has change. You just have to Amit parties doesn't matter issues is what matter. And another note do some reading the party system is the reason people jump for one party to another because people are trick by people like you to believe that the Party is bigger then the issues it's all nonsense.
ReplyDeleteParties exist to give options to people and aligned them to either conservative or progressive. Get a dictionary and look up for these two definitions above. Cleaning park is not a platform to solve the deepest issue of the Bronx. If you do not leave in a place, you will definitely be out of touch with their issues. This paternalistic behavior from Cabrera is not what's going to make a better Bronx. This is Cabrera's perspective: "You poor Bronx, Me Suburbia man will come and help you by cleaning your parks, clean parks make better Bronx. Issues in the Bronx are deep and need analysis and objectivity and not good intentions.
ReplyDeleteYou can't answer the question lol. In Cabrera has earned everything he has build a church in the bronx to help bronx people so please with that. Now I need you to answer my question what is a democrat in what has democrats done with the bronx lately.
ReplyDeleteTimothy, you sounded smart when you said you were a political science and history major. it was all down-hill from there.
ReplyDeleteCabrera was a republican that switched allegiances. That means that for his entire adult life he believed in and voted for Republican ideals. Most recently in the Republican primaries last year. Which means he did not believe in President Obama or Hillary Clinton. Plain and simple. Then 10-months ago he switched. How convenient.
In your best interest, the question should not be "what have democrats done?", because Cabrera is now a "democrat". The question is of honesty and integgrity.
Cabrera was campaigning as a Democrat in the Bronx while registered as Republican in Westchester. That's the issue.
And please don't bring that poli-sci 101 crap into this debate. That idealistic, non-party system you speak of, does not exist, especially in the Bronx. If parrties don't matter, why didn't your reverend run as a republican? Answer that question.
When has a church improved quality of life, better our schools, got rid of ashtma, provided jobs, provided healthcare...? Are you out of your mind, Timothy.? Either you should get reimburst by the school you attended or you need a new brain.
ReplyDeleteIt amazes me how people give unconditional respect to these store-front Reverends. Building a church, living in a tax-free environment is vacation. It is when you actually produce a dollar that pays taxes births the first lesson to help your community negotiate a better Community Benefits Agreement. It comes from negotiating experience. The Bronx is a target of the worst CBA's ever written in the country. That is a direct result of our terrible politico leaders. We need more than a Reverend earning a tax free life. No wonder why he lives in Pelham, what's ten thousand dollars worth of real estate tax hurt when you don't need to produce taxable revenue.
ReplyDeleteOk first of all, churches does improve quality if life because i've been change by church. I've met many people that was gang member that went to church got saved and change there life around. People that was strung out on drugs now drug free because of church. I seen this Pastor spend time with these people and they wasn't from the rich suburbs they were people from the bronx. That improves the bronx because that's one less gang member walking around the bronx, one less drug user using drugs. Healing happen in churches all the time so that improves health care. Me I was an asmatic al my life into a Pastor layed his hands on me and my ashma disappeared. Soo church helps the community out. I can go on and on about the beniefits of churches. But you guys keep on and on about him switching parties and that he LIED about it but he hasn't he never said that he wasn't republican. And Hilary Clinton started out as a republican but move to new york swich to democrat and i bet you still voted for her lol because I will hope you agreed with the issues and not because of the party. remerber baez is still in office so you should direct your focus to her unless you work for her. In you guys still can't answer the question WHAT HAS DEMOCRATS DONE FOR THE BRONX LATELY SINCE YOU CAN"T ANSWER THE QUESTION I WIL ANSWER IT FOR YOU...... NOTHING AND OF DEBATE. MAY THE BEST Candidate win. As for me i'm going with Cabrera i live in the district and i've seen enough to trust that he the right man for the job.
ReplyDeleteI have also done that. I have layed my hands on other people, pray for them and they have gotten better. When it's a collective prayer that happens, anybody could that, you do not have to be pastor/reverend.
ReplyDeleteIf it is true that churches improve the community quality of life, the way you implied, then this community should be free of all social problems and crimes, since there's a church in every corner. Raise my case.
This guy Timothy Tapia is a straight up idiot. This is what the educational system is producing??? your school should should be ashamed, you need Writing 101. Do yourself and your pastor a favor and stop posting, but if you are please stick to the issue. Your Pastoe was a republican and then changed but at best concealed it. If party does not matter and he is trusting God, then why did he change parties? Second, everyone knows that he just moved into his Bronx residence. Timothy T be honest, since he can't, and tell us when he moved in, not when he purchased but when he moved in, if you don't know ask him. Don't be so quick to support a liar, if he can lie right in your face now, what makes you beleive that he won't do it later. The real issue is integrity and honesty, neither one of which he has shown. And by the way, it's God who heals not Pastors...or is he lying to you about that too
ReplyDeleteso in summary-----Cabrera supporters talk about integrity, leadership, being real etc...but in the integrity department he has blown it as he lied about where he lives, an interview he agreed to says he moved into his current home last year, but he knows, his supporters know and his neighbors know that he moved in this past May. He just changed his party lines to Democrat specifically to run in this district. Leadership of what??? What has he done? Protesting about the Fordaham Library does not cut it. Anyway he wasn't the first to voice dissent about the Library, it was Yorman who spoke first and spoke loudest. No one has heard of this guy Cabrera ever. Yudelka Tapia may have lost elections but at least she has run for office in the past...and by the way losing doesn't make a person unqualified. She has been honest about herself and her campaign thats more than Cabrera can say. And what about Mr. Cabrera's stance on gay marraige and a woman's right to choose. Why don't his supporters chime in on this? So, he has no experience, no past evidence of ever having done anything substantial in the community, and I don't want to hear about what he has done for the church, that's not the community, he is a liar about where he lives and a deceiving opportunist about his party affiliation. Can someone Tell me again why he should get my vote...loyalty is a great thing only when it's based on facts and principles that merit it. Cabrera hasn't shown these. Please dont post irrelelvant responses, it would be nice to hear rsponses to the statememts in this post