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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Envisioning the Future of the Red Zone

University Neighborhood Housing Program's
2009 Affordable Housing Forum
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
8:30 - 11:00 a.m.
Fordham University’s Rose Hill Campus, The Bronx
Faculty Lounge, McGinley Center

The same west Bronx neighborhoods that were at the epicenter of community organizing, community development and preservation activities during the past thirty years now provide much of the City’s affordable housing in the form of privately owned, rent stabilized properties with relatively low rents. While maintaining affordable neighborhoods in New York City is good news, there is a convergence of other statistical indicators for the same geographic area that demonstrates signs of distress. The frequency with which our neighborhoods here in the west Bronx color red on maps indicating various forms of housing, social and economic distress gave us the idea of this forum, Envisioning the Future of the Red Zone, where we will address this convergence of negative indicators and offer a framework for discussing what it means for these neighborhoods going forward.

Following a presentation of neighborhood and borough level data and maps (including brand new neighborhood data from the 2008 Housing and Vacancy Survey), University Neighborhood Housing Program will host an interactive panel and audience discussion that will focus on the ways that the institutions, lenders, public agencies and community groups that are responsible for the successful community development efforts of the past three decades can work together to envision a future that builds upon that success for the Red Zone.

• Roger Hayes, UNHP Board (Moderator)
• Raquel Batista, Northern Manhattan Coalition for Immigrant Rights
• Nancy Biberman, WHEDCo
• Peter Mosbacher, Amalgamated Bank
• Xavier Rodriguez, Bronx Community Board 5 District Manager

Please respond to UNHP by June 8. The forum is free, but space is limited. You can fax this form to us at (718) 933-3624, email your response to mail [at] unhp.org, or call us at (718) 933-3101.


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