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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Huge Tree Falls on Mosholu Parkway North


As you've likely noticed, it's a little windy out there. This morning (or late last night), a large tree came crashing down on Mosholu Parkway North, near Tracey Towers, blocking the pathway.

Photo by Jordan Moss.

1 comment:

  1. nice reporting and just sad sad sad sad sad

    mosholu, once one of the best kept areas of the bronx, is falling apart-from this tree-to 204th/bainbridge

    in a bittersweet way-thank god bedford park is a historic district. i sadly believe, after the major norwood re-construction that will be overdue and coming-i fear we will not recogize our old norwood again

    and some say, via the fires----that was the purpose!!!


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