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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Pinstripe Politics July 8

Take that Irving Berlin

Fans at Yankee Stadium may now move about at will....even if non-national anthem "God Bless America" is playing. From the New York Times:

New York City will pay $10,001 to settle a federal lawsuit on behalf of a Queens man who was ejected from the old Yankee Stadium last August after trying to use the bathroom during the playing of “God Bless America.” In addition, the team has publicly declared that it has no policy prohibiting fans from moving about during the playing of the patriotic song, which the team began playing during games after 9/11.

via On Yankee Stadium Restroom Dispute, City Settles
The city will also pay $12,000 to the New York Civil Liberties Union, to cover the legal fees for Bradford Campeau-Laurion, the Queens resident who was ejected from Yankee Stadium last year.

Moody's : Yankees bonds are medium grade

The Moody's Investor Service assigned a Baa3 rating to bonds associated with the new Yankee Stadium. According to Yahoo! Finance, a Baa rating implies that the bond in question is "medium-grade" but investor worthy. Moody's cited the Yankees previous success and their record-setting 4.3 million tickets sold last year in assigning the rating. It should be noted, however, that the Yankees are not on pace to match that record this year.

Also check out....

Toronto Blue Jays first-basemen/designated hitter Kevin Millar doesn't like the new Stadium. Millar says he used to get booed louder at the old Stadium....also, Millar is not nearly as good as he was when he played at the old Stadium.

Tiger Woods thinks tickets at the new Stadium are too expensive.

Senior citizens paid $5 for $375 seats on Monday

NOTE: Make sure to check back every Wednesday for Pinstripe Politics, your source for that gray area where the Yankees and society converge. Also, check in with the BNN on Fridays for The Yankees, Unobstructed, our weekly Yankee opinion column.

For more of Graham Kates' sports writing, check out his True/Slant blog "Coaches in the Crosshairs" (www.trueslant.com/grahamkates).

1 comment:

  1. Where is the link to The Bronx Times at Bronx.com on your site?


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