We're still looking for a few good ad sales reps for the Bronx News Network. Please pass on to anyone you think might be interested. Here's the info:
To sustain and build on the work we're doing publishing nonprofit newspapers in underserved Bronx neighborhoods, the Bronx News Network needs to sell more advertising in the nonprofit newspapers we publish and serve and on 7 different Web sites including this blog. That means we need more ad sales representatives. We pay 25 percent commission, though a modest hourly wage drawn against commission is possible. With six newspapers and 7 Web sites, this will be a lucrative opportunity for the right person.
Maybe you're this person, in which case we should talk immediately. Or maybe you know an ambitious, motivated person who loves the Bronx and loves to work with people to improve communities. And that's the way we see advertising -- as an extremely affordable way for Bronx merchants, businesses, organizations and instititutions to get their messages out to the right constituencies. Strong businesses and organizations mean strong neighborhoods. That's the mission of our advertising program.
Sales experience is a plus but is not necessary. If we think you have potential, we'll train you. Hours are flexible. If you work part-time and are looking for supplemental income, this might be an ideal situation for you.
If you're interested, please send a cover letter and resume to jmoss-at-norwoodnews.org. If you know of someone, we'd be grateful if you'd pass this along to them. Thanks!
Jordan Moss,
Executive Editor
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
We Need Ad Sales Reps to Help Us Grow Bronx News Network
ad sales
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