Here's the Times' coverage of Megan Charlop's life and death. The much-loved director of community health for Montefiore Medical Center's School Health Program was killed on Wednesday while riding her bike. Her funeral was this morning.
More on the opening of Kips Bay Boys & Girl Club's new community center on University Avenue. Adolfo Carrion, the former Bronx borough president who now works in DC, was in attendance and hinted at a possible return to New York in the coming years to pursue citywide office.
Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz believes Gov. Paterson's soda tax doesn't go far enough. Instead, he would like to see a tax on all products that contain sugar, to raise revenue and combat obesity.
A Bronx man is suing the city after cops accused him of attempting to solicit sex from a prostitute. While the charges were later dropped, he spent 24 hours in custody and was forced to miss his father's funeral.
The Bronx DA is expanding its "bait car" program, in an effort to catch more car thieves.
Last Saturday in Morris Heights, a man threatened a taxi driver with a handgun and attempted rob him. In the struggle that followed, the robber bit the driver on the neck, arm, and back before fleeing.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Bronx News Roundup, March 19
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If Carrion returns in 2013 he's coming back to a crowded mayoral race...Quinn, Weiner, Liu, Stringer, DeBlasio, Thomspson, just to name a few...not to mention a potential showdown with Rubencito should he run for eithe Public Advocate or Comptroller...should be very interesting--I like his chances though; probably the most citywide electable candidate the Bronx has had in a very long time.