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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Two Bronxites Named to City Charter Revision Commission

Mayor Bloomberg appointed two Bronxites to the new 15-member Charter Revision Commission, which will take a look at the entire City Charter and propose any possible changes.

Tony Cassino, the former chairman of Community Board 8 and a former City Council candidate in District 11, and Father Joseph McShane, the president of Fordham University, were both named to the commission, which Bloomberg says will be charged with "reaching out to every community, analyzing every idea on the merits, and proposing changes that will improve the lives of New Yorkers."

In a statement, Bloomberg said the commission would hold hearings in every borough as part of this outreach effort.

Dick Dadey, the executive director of the nonprofit Citizens Union, liked appointment of CUNY Chancellor Matthew Goldstein as chair of the commission, calling it an "inspired choice."

For months, rumors have circulated saying Bloomberg may be looking to change the responsibilities of the local community boards as well as those of the borough presidents.

Immediately after Bloomberg's announcement Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr. acknowledged some of those rumors in a statement:

"I am happy that, after weeks of rumors and reports, Mayor Bloomberg has finally announced the appointment of a charter revision commission. I look forward to working with the commission and its members to ensure that the issues of all Bronxites are addressed through this body. To that end, this commission must hold hearings in the Bronx, in fact in all five boroughs, to guarantee that the voices of my constituents are heard."


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