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Friday, March 26, 2010

Get Your Data Fix While You Await the 2010 Census Results

While thoughts are on the Census and making sure we all get counted, the Furman Center at NYU has just published its annual State of New York City’s Housing and Neighborhoods report, using a variety of demographic and real estate data. This year’s report, in addition to updating general demographic, housing and health trends, takes a look at the recent building boom that came to screeching halt in late 2008, in addition to mortgage lending trends and immigration data.

I’ll spare everyone the details on the general demographic portrait of the west Bronx, where we rank at the bottom of the City’s community districts in median income and housing affordability. Instead, here are a few interesting maps and some of the Bronx-centric highlights from the report:

The Bronx “experienced the largest decrease in mortgage lending of any borough, with the first-lien home purchase loan rate dropping from 30.7 per thousand properties in 2007 to 17.5 per thousand properties in 2008.” In other words, while mortgage lending really took a nose dive in 2008, the percent drop in the Bronx was more dramatic than in the other boroughs.

“Renters in the Bronx continued to endure the highest rate of serious housing code violations, which increased from 107.3 per thousand rental units in 2007 to 111.0 per thousand in 2008.” While the increased numbers of violations could be a result of more HPD inspectors, it likely means a real drop in housing quality as landlords (who paid too much for their buildings) put off repairs in order to make mortgage payments and pay other bills.

“Immigration continues to be a significant source of population growth and change in the Bronx. Over 30% of the immigrants in the Bronx arrived in the past decade, the highest share in the City.” As recently as 2000, the Bronx ranked fourth in the City at 29.0% for percent of population that is foreign born. Since then, it has moved past Manhattan and, if current trends continue, the Bronx (at 32.7% in 2008) could actually move past Brooklyn (down from 37.8% in 2000 to 36.7% in 2008) into second place in the City some time in the next decade. Queens remains well ahead of the other boroughs at 47.4%, while Staten Island is up from 16.4% to 21.0%

“The Bronx has a larger share of households with children than any other borough, and the health and education indicators of these children continue to trail behind those in other boroughs.” In other words, cuts to education and youth programs will have their widest reaching impact in the Bronx.

1 comment:

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