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Friday, March 12, 2010

New from the Norwood News

The latest edition of the Norwood News hit streets Wednesday and is now up online for your reading pleasure. I've noted where a few of these stories were updated from their print version. 

The King Charles Troupe, a team of basketball-playing unicyclists, is back in the Bronx where the troupe was born more than 50 years ago. They were supposed to debut a new show, that included other acts, called The Black Top Circus at the Loews Paradise Theater today, but the theater abruptly canceled all the shows on Tuesday. The troupe is still trying to figure out what happened. [This story has been updated.]

Here's our full story, complete with updates from the print version, on the "suspicious" fire at St. Nicholas of Tolentine Church that destroyed the church's vestibule.

Residents near Tolentine (many of whom are members of the church) in University Heights want the city to install a stop light at the dangerous intersection of 183rd Street and Sedgwick Avenue. An editorial about what yet another fire in the northwest Bronx means to the community.

A sixth grader at PS 246 in Kingsbridge was named female youth runner of the year.

Employees at Montefiore Medical Center gave up their wages to donate $20,000 to the Red Cross for victims of the earthquake in Haiti.

And more.


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