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Monday, August 31, 2009

Liveblogging cont'd ...

9:08 James Fergusson runs down Tapia's past unsuccessful campaign. Mentions campaign manager who quit and and failure to receive matching funds from the Campaign Finance Board campaign finance board. Tapia says matching funds are on their way and campaign is not just about money. She says campaign manager didn't quit, "I fired him."

Cabrera says Council person's main job is managing finances and says he's proud of receiving matching funds. Says he made sure it was properly registered and turned in right on time.

Tapia says Campaign Finance Board has all the documentation that is needed, but that the campaign is not about that but about issues.


  1. Sure Cabreras Campaign Finance was properly registered. Bronx County Democrat Committee did all the work for him. They wanted to make sure he got matiching funds, because if you look at his filing he is giving the money to them and he also likes to pay his condo rent. Nice way to use the money poor people have given him. I am voting for Yudelka.

  2. Stop the slandering and misinformation. The Campaign Finance Board fully check the finances managed by a volunteer who has been with the campaign from the very beginning.

    The fact is that Yudelka is a poor money manager and lacks the leadership to manage the people's monies. If she can't handle managing the campaign finances, how can't we even expect her to handle millions of dollars? The answer is simple, we can't trust her.

  3. The truth is not slander. His filing tells were his money is going. Maybe you should check it.

  4. The Democratic party did not get involved in Cabrera's finances. He raised it all on his own, which were raised even before they endorsed him.

    Stop your lies and deceitfulness you speak about Cabrera's integrity......Yudelka just like her followers and liar trying to win the election by tarnishing Cabrera's character.... guess what it does not work and it's not working!

  5. To All Cabrera Supporters,

    Lets not feed the wolves what they want to eat now. We all know the Truth and We all know that Cabrera Integrity will always be challenged by those who stand on the winning side. Its just a dry season in Tapias office (Literally!) and they are looking other places for food. We shall have the victory in the end!!...CABRERA 09!!!

  6. i stand corrected.... on the losing side i should say. He will always be challeged because CABRERA SUPPORTERS STAND ON THE WINNING SIDE!!

  7. You are so ignorant. The campaign office is in the same condo complex where Cabrera lives and Friends of Cabrera is paying for it. Again, YOU ARE A SLANDERER. You are really showing all of us how desperate the Yudelka team is getting. I am not surprised.

    By the way, have you read what the New York Times said about Yudelka's former campaign manager?

  8. Here is the link in the New York Times...


  9. You Cabrera moonies are a joke. When the truth about your boss is put out there you call it being slander. But it is ok for you to slander Yudelka and Maria. Remember all is fair in love and war. Get over it. If you can not take the heat get out of the kitchen. All that is said about him is documented. They are not made up lies.

  10. someone who will never for Fernando CabreraSeptember 1, 2009 at 2:32:00 PM EDT

    Did you just say that Cabrera is running his campaign from his new condo?? Yikes!
    And that he is using campign dollars to pay for it???? So does that mean he is paying his rent with campign money???
    Ha! Couldn't cabrera find another place. He probably was like "hey! Let's do everything from the privacy of my own home and behind closed doors" We'll just run this show from here and do everything the same way I earned my PHD and got my degree courtesy from my HP Printer! Yay!
    He probably goes back to his real home up in Westchester and breathes easier.

    Comes to show how transparent his campign really is.


  11. Read correctly you dimwit, Cabreras campaign office is run out of the same complex not his apartment. Wanna come take a look???...Come see for yourself you selfless hater!. 2794 Sedgwick Ave Floor C2 dowstairs

  12. Fernando Cabrera is only transparent about one thing: his carperbagging ways.

    He moved to the Bronx last year and switched to the Democratic party for one reason: to run for office. When James Fergusson asked him this at the debate, he went around in circles and didn't answer the question.

    He moved to the Bronx and became a Democrat only to run for office. His heart is in Westchester and with the Republican party.

    I bet he never imagined he would be under such scrutiny for it.

  13. someone who will never for Fernando CabreraSeptember 1, 2009 at 7:00:00 PM EDT

    I'm apologizies...so it's located in a basement? Hidden from plain view??? And will I be able to find a wall with his printed degrees?

  14. Spare me...lol...Cabrera is well more educated than Baez and Tapia. He works in higher education, a place where Tapia and Baez wouldn't even have a chance to teach.

    I'll bet anything that Yudelka will not pay her rent at the "tax" place after the election is over, like she did last time.

  15. For a guy with some much education he does not speak very well. I watch the debate and was shocked to hear this guy speak. I was told to watch by a friend, since I was not sure how to vote. But give me a break. It would have been better to have 3 empty chairs. And for what I have been reading about him not a very honest person.

  16. Anonymous, stop acting like you were an unbiased viewer. Again, Cabrera is a superb speaker and debater. Yudelka is the liar. She claimed she was involved in marches for the old Fordham Library to be converted into a youth center. She has NEVER attended none of the meetings or marches. Liar,Liar. Cabrera is the ONLY candidate who was involved (and of course Yorman Nunez,who was a previous candidate in this race). Both Maria Baez and Yudelka Tapia are the dishonest ones.

  17. Just some thoughts on the NYC CFB 2009 Primary Election Voter Guide City Council District 14 profiles: http://www.nyccfb.info/public/voter-guide/primary_2009/districts/cd14.aspx

    Question 1: What is the most important issue in council district 14 you would address if elected?

    Maria Baez: “I will continue to work on policy that helps to preserve affordable housing in our community.”

    Fernando Cabrera: Didn’t state the most important issue he would address, instead cited the issues with no commitment to addressing them.

    Yudelka Tapia: “I will develop [Educational] programs and work in conjunction with parents to effectively reduce the school dropout rate of our middle and high school students…”


    The incumbent’s track record should be an indication of whether she will deliver on her pledge to preserve affordable housing.

    The jury is still out on Fernando Cabrera since he states the obvious in terms of the issues. FC should pledge to deliver on solving one of the many issues he cites so that we know where he actually stands.

    As for Yudelka Tapia, if past experiences as a PTA member, self proclaimed community activist, etc., are how we should judge her, then it is critical that she prove that she can deliver on a broader district level.

    Question 2: What other important issues would you address if elected?

    Maria Baez: Expanding Job Opportunities; Improving Education; Enhance Senior programs and services.

    Fernando Cabrera: Jobs with fair wages; Health services to senior citizens; Quality of life issues.

    Yudelka Tapia: Affordable Housing; Financial Support for Green Developments.


    The question here should’ve been further expanded by requiring each candidate elaborate on how they would address the issues they raise.

    Question 3: What makes you the best candidate for this office?

    Maria Baez: Touts her 30 years of experience of working with community groups and government to improve social and economic conditions. Also, states that as an elected official she’s been able to delivers millions of dollars to an array of essential programs.

    Fernando Cabrera: Touts his work in the community, educational system and his church as the backbone of his first hand experience in dealing with the many issues facing our district. He implies that his work ethic and leadership skills will position him to bring the necessary resources to tackle our problems.

    Yudelka Tapia: Touts her 20 years of experience working as an advocate for better education, affordable housing, quality healthcare, civil rights and immigrant rights. She also states that as an independent voice she will represent the community with honest, accountability and transparency.


    Each candidate in their own words claim to having a body of work that qualifies them to be the choice. That said, the common denominator between them is the issues facing the community. What will set them apart or distinguish one from the other is what action plan they have to deliver the solutions necessary in our community.

    Make your Pledge and Qualify It!

  18. AGAIN...you people are throwing crap to the wind and hoping it sticks! It looks sloppy and desperate. You people have no clue. I'd be embarrased to represent Yudelka...more embarrasesed to represent a no show like maria too.
    I'm supporting Cabrera all the way! Cabrera 09


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