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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Diaz 'Disturbed' By Poor Census Return Rate

Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. just released this statement:

I am disturbed by media reports indicating that, so far, only two percent of Bronx residents have returned the 2010 Census questionnaire. I cannot stress this enough, if we do not count, we will miss out. It’s only ten questions, and it takes only ten minutes. The census results play a major role in deciding how much funding is made available to programs in our borough. Bronxites, please fill out the form and send it back before April 1. It’s our responsibility, stand up and be counted!
In parts of Soundview not a single questionnaire has been returned, according to The Times. We're assuming Diaz, who happens to live in the neighborood with his wife and two children, has already completed his and dropped it in the mail.

To track your neighborhood's participation rate, visit the Census' Web site.

UPDATE 5:30 p.m. - State Senator Pedro Espada is holding a Census outreach event on Saturday morning outside the Mosholu post office on Jerome Avenue. Details here


  1. Why aren't the Bronx "allegedly corrupt" Council Members making any noise?! Oh yeah, I forgot the elected officials don't get any direct money in their pockets from it and they can't loose their seat because of it, so they don't care! And why doesn't Senator Diaz jump in his noisemaker hoopdee that he trolls around screaming in for campaigning to voice the importance of filling out and sending in the census!! What is his "congregation" so busy doing that they cannot sound the alarm?!

  2. Perhaps the reason the Bronx is under-counted is so many of us, like Sen. Espada, also own homes in places like Mamaroneck. It is confusing which address to use.


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