Green Party officials from the Bronx - including Lukas Herbert, a vocal critic of Adolfo Carrion and the new Yankee Stadium - are speaking out against the MTA's expected fair increases.
If you ride the D Train you've probably seen these guys break dancing for change and dollar bills. According to the Times, many of them live in the same Bronx neighborhood.
Last Saturday, the South Bronx Food Co-operative opened its first store at 3103 Third Ave.
A Catholic newspaper from across the pond takes a look at the Belmont and Arthur Avenue.
Motorists who park outside schools and leave their engines running for more than a minute will face $100 fines, under a new asthma-fighting bill passed by the City Council. Councilman Jimmy Vacca voted against the bill saying it will victimize parents dropping off and picking up kids.
State Senator Jose M. Serrano has been blogging about budget cuts on Room Eight:
The old saying in government is that “where you stand depends on where you sit.”More here. The cuts will be discussed at a joint committee meeting on Feb. 3. If you can't make it (it's in Albany, after all) you can submit commentary via YouTube - for perhaps the first time in Albany history, says Serrano.
In other words, because I’m freshly seated as Chair of the Cultural Affairs, Tourism, Parks and Recreation Committee, it’s no wonder I stand in strong opposition to proposed budget cuts that affect, well, all of the above.
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