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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New from the Norwood News

Ah, it felt good to write that headline. After a couple of weeks flailing about in the digital world, the Norwood News is back online. So, while we've neglected to get you the news roundup in a timely fashion today, take a minute to chew on a fresh batch of new stories from the Norwood News. Here's a quick preview:

-A view of Inauguration Day from Lehman College students, staff and faculty.

-Edtiorial: What can Bronx elected officials learn from Obama?

-A North Fordham neighborhood confronts their local police precinct about crime and missing police reports.

-The brutal murder and dismemberment of a North Fordham woman remains unsolved, though her ex-boyfriend, who has a history of arrests, has been questioned about the murder and was arrested on other charges.

-A century-old nonprofit that trains and helps women find meaningful jobs is recruiting in the Bronx for the first time.

-A Fordham-area-Marine who was killed in Afghanistan was recently laid to rest.

-A $4.5 million plan to remake the green space around the Jerome Park Reservoir received mixed reveiws.

Plus, our Inquiring Photographer asked about the Bush years and check out our expanded Neighborhood Notes section and our Out & About calendar.


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