New Dem Chief Carl Heastie hires an old friend, Patrick Jenkins, to be a top aide, and "jack of all trades," reports Liz Benjamin. They attended Stony Brook together.
More from Liz on Heastie's next moves if/when B.P. Adolfo Carrion heads to Washington:
The new chairman's first test may well be a special election to replace Bronx Borough President Adolfo Carrion, who appears poised to be appointed to a post with the Obama administration.
That race will put a number of factions against one another, including the son of the man Heastie deposed, Councilman Joel Rivera, who has made no secret of his desire for the seat.
Asked whether the party will likely endorse a candidate for borough president, Heastie replied (via his favorite mode of communication: Text message):
"Yes. I have instilled a process where candidates have to reach out to district leaders and other electeds, and we will have a consensus candidate when the process is done. This is for a more inclusive organization.
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