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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Concrete Park Finally Open

After 10 years of community organizing and struggle by Youth Ministries for Peace and Justice, The Point, Rocking the Boat, Bronx River Alliance and Bronx community residents, Concrete Plant Park has opened on the banks of the Bronx River where a cement factory used to stand. The park sits between the Bruckner Expressway and Westchester Avenue, and while it is a little difficult to get to folks will be rewarded if they visit on Sunday, September 13.

For the first two weeks of its opening, Concrete Plant Park has hosted The Water Pod project, a floating farm/environmental education center/house boat/sustainable living experiment. Four people have been living on and maintaining the Water Pod for the last four months. The project has received a slew of press coverage over the last few weeks, including multiple articles in the New York Times, as well as Time Out NY and TV coverage on NY1. It's worth a visit for folks interested in fringe environmental movements and urban greening. (photos by Jennifer Classon)

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