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Thursday, September 3, 2009

Gloves Come Off in 11th District Race

The candidates' mailers in the 11th District started filtering into local residents' mailboxes a few weeks ago. Neither candidate mentioned the other. Until now.

Yesterday, the two started mixing it up in the mail, with Koppell attacking Cassino for printing and mailing his mailers out 0f state, and Cassino reminding voters that Koppell was a prime mover behind the push to extend term limits. (You can expect more of this as the primary on Sept. 15 nears.)

This seems like a good time to remind our readers -- particularly those in Norwood and Bedford Park -- that the Bronx News Network and Norwood News are presenting a debate between these two candidates at the Mosholu branch of the New York Public Library (285 E. 208th St., between Perry and Bainbridge avenues.)


  1. It is difficult to read it.

  2. Let me congratulate The Norwood News in hosting a Bedford Park @ Norwood Debate...........YES, A Non riverdale debate.........but I wonder sadly, why The Newspaper, based in Norwood for 20 years, has covered this race about 80% less---than the 14th cd
    a) Fix Mosholu Parkway
    b)More viberancy on Bainbridge & Bedford Park Strip
    c) more patroling after midnight
    d) Catch basins on mosholu need to be fixed

    I hope the debate centers around these things and not the ugly screaming and fingerpointing that has been happining in this race

    LETS TALK ABOUT BEDFORD PARK & NORWOOD...........(Riverdale who)?????????????

  3. I think that Oliver's attendence at City Coucil meetings is not even 90%. If Oliver was in 4th grade he would hve trouble gettting promoted with that attendence record.

  4. The debate for the District 11 City Council seat is Thursday, Sept. 10 at 7 p.m, but the auditorium only holds 80 people so they suggest arriving a bit early.


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