Ben Franklin Club. (Assemblyman Jeff Dinowitz in foreground). Photo by Jordan Moss
Oliver Koppell scored a decisive victory in the 11th District against Anthony Cassino, the former chair of Community Board 8. The vote was 5348 (63.9%) to 2301 (36.1%)
Koppell staff and supporters started filing into the cramped storefront Ben Franklin Reform Democratic Club on E. 231st St. in Kingsbridge just after 9 p.m. Almost immediately volunteers starting filing in with precinct vote tally sheets which signaled Koppell's victory long before TV stations reported it.
Koppell gave a spirited acceptance speech standing on a chair, including a boisterous defense of his leadership in extending term limits. Essentially, Koppell saw it as a vindication for his position.
Over at the Ibiza night club near Manhattan College, the scene was more subdued as Cassino chatted with and thanked supporters.
We'll have more on this race and the other Bronx Council races tomorrow.
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