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Friday, September 4, 2009

The Yankees, Unobstructed Sept. 4

The Daily News posted some video footage of the old Yankee Stadium's famous white facade being removed.

For photos of the delicate demolition, click here.

Wondering why it looks like they're treating the facade like it's the Guernica? C'mon, you know why. Say it with me: Steiner Sports is selling bits and pieces of everything from the old Stadium.

In other Yankees demolition news:

It seems Toronto fans want to demolish the Yankees.

Derek Jeter is closing in on Lou Gehrig's record for career hits by a Yankee. Gehrig compiled 2,721 hits in his career and Jeter currently has 2,713. Jeter's parents have convinced him to not nonchalant his way through this record, like he usually does.
Also, if you find it crazy that no Yankee has ever reached 3,000 career hits, you're not alone.

NOTE: Make sure to check back on Fridays for The Yankees, Unobstructed, BNN's weekly (and usually longer) Yankees opinion column.

For more of Graham Kates' sports writing, check out his True/Slant blog "Coaches in the Crosshairs" (www.trueslant.com/grahamkates).


  1. for more yankee stadium demolition news check out www.demolitionofyankeestadium.com

  2. Why is it crazy that no Yankee has 3,000 hits? Most of the famous Yankees are known for their power numbers more than hitting for average over a long career. Gerhig probably would have made it if not for ALS, and DiMaggio's career was also too short.

    Actually, there are only 12 players who have 3,000 hits with one team, and five of them accomplished the mark in recent years (Ripken, Brett, Yount, Gwynn and Biggio).

    Unless Ichiro can keep up his torrid pace for the next four or five years, Jeter may be the last one to accomplish the feat with one team for a while to come.

    Meanwhile, there are actually 3 members of the 3,000 hit club who played significant time with the Yankees (Dave Winfield, Rickey Henderson and Wade Boggs), plus Paul Waner who played his last season in NY.

    see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3000_hit_club and http://mlb.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20090907&content_id=6840956&vkey=news_mlb&fext=.jsp&c_id=mlb


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